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 approval paper to chang passport to UAE arabic passport

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approval paper to chang passport to UAE arabic passport Empty
MessageSujet: approval paper to chang passport to UAE arabic passport   approval paper to chang passport to UAE arabic passport EmptyMar 15 Avr 2014 - 9:03

dear sir,

i have a mare from your stud and this is the details:

n SIRE: 01 321 873 F
breed : arabe
par: Rubi De La Mouline, ar
date of foaling: 15 fevrier 2001
breeder : mlle christiane lagasse
M. Eric Bonal

i want to transfer her passport to arabic UAE passport to breed.
they ask for an approvall paper from the first woner "your stud"

can you help me pleas with this paper..??
they will not issur the foals any passport with out it.
please respond for help.

alya obaid
United Arab Emirates
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